Celebrations, Traditions and Festivities (Blogging Challenge Week 8)

(crossposted to our junior classes’ blog) In Western cultures, we often refer to the winter season as the festive season. For many, it starts with Thanksgiving, and ends with New Year’s Day or the lunar new year (also called the Chinese New Year). Different cultures celebrate different holidays throughout the darker months of the year … Continue reading Celebrations, Traditions and Festivities (Blogging Challenge Week 8)

Choice or Catch-up (Blogging Challenge Week 7)

We’ve been focusing on challenges for the past six weeks, but blogging (true blogging) is rarely about responding to challenge posts. Once we’re finished this ten-week Student Blogging Challenge, you’re still going to be posting every week, but you’re going to be choosing your topics (much like you do with Writers’ Workshop and Daily Writing). … Continue reading Choice or Catch-up (Blogging Challenge Week 7)

Scientific Discipline(s) (Blogging Challenge Week 6)

(crossposted to our junior classes’ blog) Although much of what we’ve been doing in the Student Blogging Challenge (and, for that matter, outside of it) has been related to some form of reading and writing, blogging doesn’t have to be limited to those areas. The thing that I enjoy about blogging the most is that … Continue reading Scientific Discipline(s) (Blogging Challenge Week 6)

Similarities, Differences, Conflict and Remembrance Day (Blogging Challenge: Week Five)

In the last few years months, the news has featured stories on the divisiveness of humanity. In recent days, I’ve heard about the alt-right “It’s okay to be white” posters posted during Halloween, the cultural appropriation inherent in the border wall costumes of a group of Idaho teachers and US President Trump’s consideration of narrowly … Continue reading Similarities, Differences, Conflict and Remembrance Day (Blogging Challenge: Week Five)