Be Grateful to Be Happy

There’s a lot of talk in our class about depression, about sorrow, about zombie apocalypses … you get the picture. So I thought perhaps it would be good for us to consider something more on the positive end of the spectrum this week.

Years ago, I kept a gratitude journal. It was my New Year’s resolution that year: I would write down at least three things that I was grateful for each day. They didn’t have to be big things, but I had to think of three things (at least) and commit to putting them on paper.

Like many New Year’s resolutions, it petered out around month three. I think I might resurrect it this year, however. I’ve noticed (in myself; this is not a pointed comment) a tendency to focus on the negative lately. I’ve noted the students who didn’t do their work rather than the multitude that did – and did a great job. I’ve stressed out about the few students I can’t reach, who don’t seem to be willing to participate in the class and I can’t understand why, rather than the amazing conversations I have with all of the ones who are fully engaged. I think of myself as a bad teacher when I make a mistake, instead of acknowledging that I will never be perfect all the time – and that making a mistake, or even a series of them, doesn’t make me a bad person (teacher, student, etc.).

And if gratitude leads to happiness, the way the video above suggests it does, maybe we need to be more grateful for the people and joys in our lives.

Maybe we need to share our gratitude as well. Who and/or what are you grateful for?

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14 thoughts on “Be Grateful to Be Happy

  1. I am grateful for many things, many are quite bittersweet. However from the top of my mind is that I am grateful that books exist and that I have the ability and privilege to read them.

  2. I am grateful for my family and feel so lucky that they are so understanding and supportive of everything I do. I’m grateful for my cats because no matter how sad I am they always make me feel better. Lastly I am thankful for sleep!

  3. I’m grateful that I have the privilege to go to school, even though I dislike it sometimes. And that I am surrounded by supportive people.

  4. I am grateful for my family who continue to support me no matter what I do and my dog cause he’s the best

  5. I’m grateful for friends that stay there through rough times and coffee. Mostly mochas though. Those are good.

  6. I am grateful for many things! I feel like a lot of people don’t realize that we’re all granted with so many things we’re blessed to have like school, rights, freedom, living in Canada (not TrumpLand), jobs and opportunities. Etc.

  7. I am grateful for the rights and freedom we as Canadians get, as well as having a roof over my head and food on the table.

  8. I think the most people notice the negative before they notice the positive. That’s just how our world is, how people are. We just need to focus on the good in people and ourselves. I’m greatful for my family because they’re always there for me no matter what. My two best friends are probably what get my through everything, even though we don’t go to the same school, I know they are there. I’m also greatful for music, it helps me relax.

  9. I’m greatful we don’t have any major wars happening in our Canada. I hear often on the news tragedies that occur in third world countries, and I feel very upset but also greatful that where we live, I am completly comfortable with spending the whole day outdoors without having to worry about being hurt

  10. I’m grateful for my wonderful girlfriend, my amazing family, my teachers, the ability to write and be who I make myself, and of course pie (Both types.) cause I love math and food.

  11. I am greatful for lots of thing. I am especially grateful for the privileged life that I have. I live in a beautiful country in a beautiful house with an amazing family and great friends that surround me and help me when I’m down!

  12. I’m truly grateful for all my friends and family. I know it’s very cliché, but as the years come I’ve realized that. Many people I’ve talked to in my life have restrictive parents that barely let them hang out with their friends. My parents have been truly encouraging and have let me go out and form opinions through my own experiences. My friends are a huge part of my day. I make jokes with them, and talk about problems at school nobody else would understand. They’re the ones who get me and help me through everything.

  13. I’m grateful for all the friends I’ve made at this school. When I moved here last year I didn’t think it would be easy to fit in with all the kids that had all come from the same schools, but they really proved me wrong by accepting me for who I am and welcoming me with open arms.

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